It's so much more than a little sparkle.

If you know, you know. And if you don't, you truly have to experience it for yourself. It's life changing!

How It Started


How It Started 〰️

I didn’t even know what fairy hair was!

Starting a fairy hair company was never the plan. I first discovered it while visiting my family on a trip to Florida in 2015. My sister bartered services with a girl who did fairy hair and it turned out they would be meeting up while I was in town. My sister insisted on sharing her strands with me, so there I sat in my mom’s bathroom getting my first dose of sparkling hair extensions.

I don’t even have to tell you, but I fell in love! I absolutely loved how they looked in my hair and loved even more how they made me feel. To this day I run into people who have never seen or even heard of fairy hair, and it’s a special feeling to be admired and complimented on something so simple, tasteful and fun! I returned home from my trip to Florida and it wasn’t long before I knew I wanted more.

The problem?

I couldn’t find ANYONE in Columbus, Ohio, who did them. To say I was disappointed was an understatement, but I was determined to have more fairy hair. How hard could it be? Maybe I could just do it to myself? I’m really not sure what I was thinking, but some of you know EXACTLY what I’m saying right now. 

I stopped searching for someone local and was like, “I gotta figure this out.

I found a company that operated similar to a franchise that wanted over $20k to sign on, but by the grace of god, they weren’t hiring, because I was ready to sell my soul and secure a loan! My search continued. I found myself so deep in the archives of google videos when I finally found what I was looking for. A tutorial-like video where I could watch someone doing exactly what I needed to learn how to do. More research led me to acquiring the quality product I still use today. With the purchase of a mannequin head, I finally had everything I needed to start practicing.

My living room became my lab.

I tried and failed, and tried and failed over and over again. It wasn’t as easy as it looked and I grew frustrated. I think the only thing that kept me going was the fact that I couldn’t afford a plane ticket to get back to Florida for more fairy hair. I gave myself no choice but to  keep trying until I got it. And eventually I did. It wasn’t pretty at first, but I was one step closer to becoming an expert in fairy hair. Sadly, I learned I couldn’t apply it to myself, but that didn’t stop me from sharing the sparkle with others.

It was small at first. I would book a few friends and co-workers, and like most businesses, it didn’t dawn on me that I could grow this until later.

What I Love The Most

The freedom this business has given me as a single mom is one of the things I love the most. I can provide for my family while doing something incredibly fun. 

I also love the reveal! There's something about how fairy hair makes a woman feel about herself, and it’s truly special. It’s incredible to show women they can step a little outside of the box and remain respected in their professional lives. I often describe fairy hair as subtle, but noticeable. I pride myself on the way I apply fairy hair in a natural and tasteful way. I tell ladies all the time, “I won’t let you leave me looking crazy” and I don’t. 

I believe you shouldn't be afraid to live a little outside the lines. It’s ok to try something new, to be a little different. Be remembered. Fairy hair helps you break out and find a piece of confidence you didn’t even know you were missing.

Schedule Your Visit And Start Sparkling Today